Best Way to Find Out Post Collision Hidden Car Damage

Best Way to Find Out Post Collision Hidden Car Damage


Many a times, we narrowly escape a collision, where both the cars simply brush against each other and fortunately neither of the vehicles show any significant signs of visible damage. Even the car occupants didn’t get hurt, and both the vehicles have settled the matter without a nasty street fight, but that cannot ensure that your car is doing perfectly fine. Even if you fail to notice anything wrong after you take that quick inspection around your vehicle, apart from a cracked bumper, an ugly dent at the fender, or a broken headlight, things could have gone wrong pretty severe inside, which can cause further complications either within a few minutes, or after a few days.

These hidden damage scan cause havoc on the road as well as pump up the bill price when you take it for a collision repair. Here we want to prepare you in ahead of things about how to find out the hidden damages after your car got involved in a collision.

Undercarriage Damages

After the minor collision, if your car starts sounding weird, but there is nothing significantly damaged on the visible parts, the maximum chance of damage would be an undercarriage one, where your car silencer, the axle, the steering component and the exhaust system are placed. If there is unusual vibration in the steering wheel and the entire car, the signs are indicative of undercarriage damage. Though this type of damage is mainly caused by potholes, a collision too can loosen these components and things can go grossly wrong.

Frame Damage

The frame on which the vehicle is built provide the structural strengthto make the car roll safely on the road.  But after a collision takes place, the jolt can cause the frame crumple at places where it doesn’t catch the eye. It can crumple, bend, or simply become “tweaked” from its original place.  This kind of damage generally doesn’t show up unless you hook it up to a machine to measure the frame.

Alignment Damage

After a collision, the entire weight of the car gets pressurized in a wrong angle that might affect the alignment of the wheels and tires. To know if they are still fine, you need to visit the auto body repair shop, or a collision repair shop where they provide this  “rotating and alignment” service to move the tires so that they wear evenly.  Evena small collision has the capability to knock down the alignment of your tires.

Light Damage

In general, any damage caused to the lights of the car, after any collision become prominently visible to the naked eyes.But if nothing is externally showing up, and at the same time the lights are not working, then the damage might not be caused to the head or tail light itself, but some where just behind it. A heavy jolt caused during the collision can loosen up a wiring or break the connectivity which can later become a safety hazard, which needs to be fixed right away from a trustable shop like Salisbury collision repair.

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